
If you have scheduled a Cavern or Cave class with me please go through this page.
Watch and understand the videos, look at and understand the Powerpoints and the .pdfs I have posted here.
If you are already certified and have "forgotten" how to do these things, look over and understand these videos and documents.

Complete all the waivers, agreements andThe Medical Questionnaire and determine whether or not you need medical clearance.
Please e-mail me all of the completed documents prior to day one of class.


Videos for gas math

The above video of dissimilar volumes is critical for you to understand and be able to complete the calculations independently.

Metric Dissimilar

The above image shows how to calculate dissimilar volumes in metric.
Calculating the big tanks turn pressure is done mathematically by:
67 bar useable pressure in the controlling "SMALL" tanks multiplied by the total volume of the "SMALL" tanks (26L)
and then divided by the total volume of the "BIG" tanks (34L).

Formulas, Powerpoints and more

Useful Formulas

Gas Matching

Legacy Cave Diver Workbook

Blueprint for Survival


Go to this page for waivers, agreements, medicals and other things you should read.

    Make sure you have completed all the e-learning/reading before day one of class.
    Make sure you have discussed with Jim your gear configuration.
    Make sure if you need to rent tanks, deco bottles and/or lights you have discussed this with Jim
    Make sure you and Jim both know and agree to the decompression model/procedures/computer you plan to use. Some computers are essentially useless in these classes.
    Make sure you have discussed with Jim what exposure protection you will be using during your dives.
    Make sure you get the appropriate books/E-Learning from Jim or elsewhere ahead of time. Please read them cover to cover before we start class.
    Make sure you have planned your trip well enough so that you are rested before we start the class and that you have scheduled enough time after diving to fly, if you are getting here via airplane.
    If you are bringing your own tanks please have them filled with EAN32, not air.
    You must have 2 sets of tanks during the course.
    You will need your own vehicle to get back and forth between dives sites, dive shops for gas fills and your motel. My insurance does not cover you riding in my truck.
    Please be prepared to pay the full tuition in cash or Venmo on day one of class.


Call or text Jim at 352-363-0013


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