Business Card

Closed Circuit Rebreather Cave

CCR cave classes taught in the North Florida Springs. Jim Wyatt is a CCR cave instructor through NSS-CDS and IANTD. Jim has taught and certified a few hundred cave divers over the years. The CCR cave class is for the CCR diver who has never been trained as a cave diver -OR- for the CCR diver who has been trained as an Open Circuit cave diver.

If you are already certified as an open circuit cave diver and have at least 25 dives and 35 hours post certification on your CCR the class usually takes three or four days to complete.

Jim has nice lodging options for you. See The Lodging Here

CCR Cave

The course takes a minimum of nine days. In order to enroll in the CCR Cave class you must be a certified rebreather diver with a recognized training agency and a minimum of twenty five dives and thirty five hours of logged rebreather diving on the rebreather to be used during the course.

Full CCR Cave class requires a minimum of 600 minutes of cave bottom time. The CCR upgrade requires a minimum of 300 minutes of cave bottom time.

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Classroom Presentations and Things you will learn about

Accident analysis.
Cave formations and terminology.
General and specific hazards of the cave environment.
Equipment and configuration.
Trim and propulsion techniques.
Navigation techniques.
Guidelines and line laying.
Decompression policies and procedures, along with proper choice of breathing gasses and bailout gasses to minimize decompression obligations.
Line configurations.
Ts‚ jumps and gaps.
Complex navigation including circuits, and traverses.
Dive planning and procedures including O2, diluent and CO2 absorbent management.
Bailout gas requirements and matching Individual, team and staged bailout planning.
Hypoxia, hyperoxia and hypercapnia.
A review of rebreather failures and recovery drills.
Understanding and use of cave surveys.
Physiological aspects of cave diving and stress control.
Problem solving and emergency procedures.
Controversial subjects including visual jumps, trust me dives, blind traverses, visual entry without primary reels and solo diving.

Call Jim at 352-363-0013 for full course details


Updated 9 March 2025